Tool Ninja

Tool Ninja

Free online tools for web designers, web developers, coders, website owners and students

What is Tool Ninja?

The name Tool Ninja comes from "web tools" and being a marketing and web developer expert or "ninja".

tool [tool]


  • anything used as a means of accomplishing a task or purpose.

ninja [nin-juh]


  • a person who is expert or highly skilled in a specified field or activity (often used attributively):
    marketing ninjas; ninja programmers.

Tool Ninja [tool nin-juh]


  • a website with free online tools for anyone to accomplish tasks of creating content, writing blogs or code, developing a website, or performing seo tasks to promote a website or blog and becoming highly skilled in their tasks.

How did Tool Ninja start?

Tool Ninja started as a small project where I could add a form builder tool to create some simple HTML code for a website I managed at work. I started building a few small project pages to test some online forms to build an playlist for my movies and tv shows. It developed from an idea to share that playlist generator into a range of free online tools that I could use in my everyday work to build websites and improve SEO and track marketing campaigns in Google Analytics.

And now Tool Ninja has become a site of free online tools for marketers, web developers, blog writers, seo experts and anyone who runs a website or wants to track your website performance and increase your seo ranking.

I hope you find these website tools useful.

How to support this site

We'd love it (and you) if you could support us in any way. Here's a few simple suggestions:

  • Share the site amongst your fellow web developers and marketing friends.
  • Follow us on socials or send a tweet, share a link, tag us on your social posts
  • Turn off any ad blockers or white-list our site
  • Buy us a coffee! Click that 'support us' button at the top and make a small donation to keep us caffeinated

We're looking at how we might be able to offer an ad-free viewing experience for a small donation to help pay for web hosting etc. Keep an eye out for updates on this.

Thanks for visiting!


Mark Sorensen

Head Ninja / Co-Founder

Mark has been developing websites since the mid 90's and worked in IT, marketing and communication for local government over 10 years. He currently runs training sessions, manages, builds and tests websites. In his spare time, Mark is a photographer and lives with his ginger cat, Olly.

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