Age Calculator

Age Calculator

Calculate the age of a person or object in years, months and days

Our age calculator tool can help you easily determine the age of a person or object in years, months, and days. Simply enter the birth date or date of creation and the current date to get the accurate age.

Why use our Age Calculator?

Our age calculator tool can be useful for a variety of situations. For example:

  • Parents can calculate their child's age in months for developmental milestones.
  • Employers can calculate the age of their equipment for maintenance purposes.
  • Historians can determine the age of historical artifacts or structures.

How to use our Age Calculator

  1. Enter the birth date or date of creation in the "Start Date" field
  2. Enter the current date in the "End Date" field
  3. Click the "Calculate Age" button to see the age in years, months, and days


Input: Start Date - January 1, 2000, End Date - April 22, 2023

Output: Age is 23 years, 3 months, and 21 days


  • What is the maximum age that can be calculated with this tool?
    There is no maximum age limit for this tool.
  • Does the Age Calculator tool take leap years into account?
    Yes, the Age Calculator tool takes leap years into account when calculating your age.
  • Can I use this tool to calculate the age of multiple people or objects at once?
    No, this tool can only calculate the age of one person or object at a time.


Mark Sorensen

Head Ninja / Co-Founder

Mark has been developing websites since the mid 90's and worked in IT, marketing and communication for local government over 10 years. He currently runs training sessions, manages, builds and tests websites. In his spare time, Mark is a photographer and lives with his ginger cat, Olly.

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